You know, I think the bees know something we don't. How else can you explain how they've cornered the market in good health products? There's the Royal Jelly, which like increases your fertility and keeps you forever young; there's honey, which just has so many virtues, like its nutrients- the fact that its the only food that NEVER goes bad...and then there's Bee Pollen. 96 nutrients. Nature's most complete food. and fortified with Royal Jelly and honey, the Forever Bee Pollen is like the most amazing product I have ever had the privilege to come across.
True story; I am not like the most calm person ever to have lived; in fact I'm known to lose my temper now and then. Especially when someone does something intensely idiotic that inconveniences me. See the other day, I was really stressed about something or other (can't seem to remember what) and I had some Forever Bee Pollen tablets on me. now I knew they were good as a meal substitute, having 96 different nutrients and all, and I was a bit hungry so I popped one. well, an hour later, I noticed that my stressed feelings were gone, but I figured that was just me...So I've been like, popping one every day just because, and yesterday, I go to the ATM to check the status of a cheque of mine, and I find that it's not there. my whole ministatement is like, gone. so, this is usually enough to make me hit the roof with enough steam to blow up the building; but I just reached for my phone and called the hotline no. No joy; "oh, its after five, we'll let you know what's happening tomorrow.", seriously, usually, I've killed someone by now, but no... calm as the ocean in the morning. not noticing it though because I'm thinking about the cheque.
so this morning I wake up, bla bla bla, and go to the bank to inquire. now this in itself is unusual because I'm usually like incredible hulk - u wouldn't like me when am angry; but I wasn't. still calm, still peaceful, no worry, anxiety or nothing! they made me wait like an hour, sorting it out. Other people in the inquiries line were getting quite upset at the way they had to wait a while, but me? nothing. Peace and joy.
Bee pollen contains most of the known nutrients, including all of those necessary for human survival. When compared to any other food, it contains a higher percentage of all necessary nutrients. Bee pollen is approximately 25% complete protein containing at least 18 amino acids. In addition, bee pollen provides more than a dozen vitamins, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes or co-enzymes, 14 beneficial fatty acids, 11 carbohydrates, and is rich in minerals, the full spectrum of vitamins, and hormones. It is low in calories.
Just a taste. Get some, see for yourself.